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Expression of Interest System

Expression of Interest System

Quebec Immigration: Submit an Expression of Interest

The Quebec Regular Skilled Worker Program uses an Expression of Interest (EOI) system to manage applications from foreign nationals who wish to apply for permanent selection in Quebec. The process begins with submitting an online EOI through the Arrima portal, which is the official platform for the program.

The EOI allows you to provide information about your socio-economic profile and qualifications, such as your education, work experience, language proficiency, age, and other relevant factors. This information is used to assess your eligibility and rank you against other candidates who have also submitted their profiles.

The Quebec government then reviews the EOIs and invites the highest-ranked candidates to apply for permanent selection. If you receive an invitation, you can proceed with the application process, which involves submitting additional documents, undergoing medical and security checks, and paying the required fees.

It’s important to note that the EOI system does not guarantee an invitation to apply for permanent selection. It serves as a pre-screening mechanism to identify and prioritize candidates who have the potential to contribute to Quebec’s labor market and economy

The Quebec EOI (Expression of Interest) system was introduced by the government in 2018 as part of an effort to modernize and streamline the immigration process. Similar to Canada’s Express Entry system, Quebec’s EOI system is implemented through an online portal called Arrima.

Foreign nationals who are interested in immigrating to Quebec under the Quebec Regular Skilled Worker Program (QSWP) must create a profile and submit an EOI through the Arrima portal. The EOI collects information about the individual’s socio-economic profile and qualifications. Eligible applicants answer a series of questions online and submit their profiles to the EOI pool.

The profiles submitted through Arrima are then assessed and assigned a score based on various factors related to human capital and labor market needs. Quebec’s Ministry of Immigration, Francization, and Integration (MIFI) regularly issues invitations to apply to the highest-ranking candidates from the EOI pool. The number and frequency of invitations are determined based on Quebec’s labor market needs, annual immigration targets, and MIFI’s processing capacity.

The EOI system is free of charge, and no supporting documentation is required at the EOI stage. There is no limit to the number of individuals who can submit an EOI, and there is no deadline for submission. EOIs remain valid for one year from the date of submission and can be updated at any time during that period.

To register an EOI and begin the immigration process, foreign nationals need to create a profile through the Arrima portal and provide information about themselves, such as contact details, family status, education, work experience, language skills, and information about accompanying spouse and children.

Once an EOI is submitted, it remains valid for a year, and candidates can update their profiles during that time. The highest-scoring candidates or those who meet specific criteria, such as having a job offer in a targeted occupation outside major metropolitan areas, may be invited to apply for a Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ) under the QSWP. If invited, candidates have 60 days to submit a complete CSQ application.

The processing time for complete applications under the QSWP, including the EOI system, is aimed to be around 6 months. The processing time starts when MIFI receives the application, supporting documents, and the application processing fee.

It’s important to note that the information provided here is based on the knowledge available up until September 2021, and there may have been updates or changes to the Quebec EOI system since then. It’s advisable to consult the official website of Quebec’s Ministry of Immigration, Francization, and Integration for the most up-to-date and accurate