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After Sales Service / Warranty

After Sales Service / Warranty

After-Sales and Lease Services

The After-sales and lease services must be performed as part of the original contract or extended sales agreement, lease or rental agreement, warranty, or service contract.

Further, it must be performed by an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), an employee of the OEM, or a third party that was identified in the original of sale agreement for that specific purpose.

As long as it is provided for in the original sales agreement or extended warranty, the foreign national can:

  • Install, set up and test the commercial equipment, machinery or software, provided such work entails the need for proprietary or product-specific knowledge;
  • Train or supervise Canadian workers on the commercial equipment, machinery and software;
  • Supervise installers on the commercial equipment, machinery and software;
  • Repair and service the commercial equipment, machinery or software;
  • Perform software upgrades.

However, even if stipulated in the agreement some activities cannot be performed in Canada by a business person, including:

  • Operation of the equipment, machinery or software for production; or
  • Set-up activities, meaning hands-on installation performed by construction or building trades.

Contact us for Assistance

Would you like to enter Canada to work on a temporary basis? The Cohen Immigration Law firm can help. Cohen Immigration Law offers over 45 years of expertise assisting workers and employers navigate Canadian immigration regulations.